"Tinnitus Project" at the Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences

Here two downloads about the Tinnitus Project at the University of Applied Sciences in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany. Prof. Pöppel started the project in 2006 after several visitors in his shielded lab (with both sound shielding and electromagnetic shielding) reported that their tinnitus was gone after a 20 minute stay in the lab. Nowadays there are several shielded chambers all over Germany, and even people with MS find relief in the shielded spaces. But read yourself in the downloads.

10 Years Tinnitus Project at TH Ingolstadt
Laboratory for Acoustics – „Tinnitusprojekt“
Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Pöppel, TINNET, March, 16th, 2018
Prof Pöppel EN Pöppel_TINNET_Poster 2018
Adobe Acrobat Document 124.6 KB

The Tinnitusproject - english version 18.07.2014 (Pöppel)
The Tinnitus project was born in spring 2006, when the special anechoic EMC Acoustic cabin for sound and EMC measurement was shown to visitors at the University of Applied Sciences in Ingolstadt. Leaving the cabin after 15 minutes only with technical explanations by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Pöppel, a visitor gave the following feedback: Her tinnitus was gone! ...
Prof Pöppel EN Tinnitusprojekt2010eng.pd
Adobe Acrobat Document 257.9 KB